World NGO Day

World NGO Day

February 27 is World NGO Day (#worldngoday).

Can you believe that NGO’s have a history dating back to the late 18th century and have been at the forefront of social movements and changes. World NGO Day is celebrated in 89 countries on over six continents.

“World NGO day aims to celebrate the successes of the more than ten million NGOs worldwide and to allow many small grassroots organisation to gain the recognition they deserve.” (FIFA – Fédération Internationale De Football Association).

Msunduzi Hospice as a leading NGO in the Msunduzi Community and within the Hospice and Palliative Care community of South Africa celebrates this day as a day in which to honour all NGO’s that play such a vital role in shaping our society. We call on government to support and continue supporting the work done by NGO’s towards assisting our communities and people in need.

Msunduzi Hospice is proud of its role in the local municipality and celebrates the support received from so many (individuals and businesses). The care that we provide is well received and reflects the compassionate and holistic nature that is Palliative Care and is needed by so many. A few reflections on this care can be found at the Msunduzi Hospice YouTube channel, click here.

Msunduzi Hospice celebrates 38 years of providing holistic care and support to the wider community of Pietermaritzburg and the Msunduzi municipality. We celebrate the support that has enabled this. We thank the wonderful founders of our Hospice who had the vision to create this organisation. To our ancestors, we are forever grateful. To our care team who tirelessly continue this tradition of providing care and support to almost 250 patient each month (and an additional almost 300 family members). To those who ensure that the money comes in to support this mission. The fairs, functions, events, late nights and early morning. Thank you for making it happen. Thank you for making it happen during the very difficult circumstances created by the Coronavirus Pandemic.

An NGO would not be complete without volunteers. So often overlooked in the wider scheme of things, yet vital to the success of so many. Thank you for you compassion and enthusiasm for Msunduzi Hospice and the work that we do.

A fitting way to end this reflection is to quote the founder of the modern Hospice movement, Dame Cicely Saunders, ‘You matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life. We will do all we can not only to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die.’

We care because you matter. Help us to care for you.

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